Please give a hearty scam-o-welcome to Lady Fapina Tyuksar!
This is one of my first baits and my first one to send to scamorama. I hope you like it as much as I did.
Princess Queen Amina - daughter of a murdered high gov't official. The first to make contact
Lady Fapina Tyuksar -our hero. an eccentric dowager whose name would mean something rather foul in Hungarian if it had been spelled properly.
Barrister Henry Okenyi - a charming and efficient administrator
A few key phrases have been highlighted for the scam-o-challenged.
*Homage to "Once Upon a Mattress"
Queen Amina
Enter Amina with over-sized font
"queen mina" <>
Subject: Thanks and Remain blessedThanks and Remain blessed Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 Dearest REPLY ME ON Good day and Compliments, I am writing this letter in confidence believing that if it is the wish of God for you to help me and my family, God almighty will bless and reward you abundantly. My family and I are true Christians and worship's God truthfully. I got your contact address from our Christians union office during my research on some one who could help us.Firstly,I must introduce myself I am a University student by name Queen Amina kadigbe and the name of my is ugo he is 15 years of age. I am 22 yrs old. I'd like any person who can be caring,loving and home oriented.I will love to have a long-term relationship with you and to know more about you.I would like to build up a solid foundation with you in time coming if you can be able to help me in this transaction. Well, my father died earlier three years ago and left my mother I and my junior brother behind. He was the senate president of CONGO KISSHAHA who was poison to death few years ago, my mother is totally down with sickness due to the death of my father. Me and my brother where going through some of my father's documents and we saw a deed of lodgement which my father made with a bank in Benin Republic, the next country to KISSHAHA the amount on the deed of lodgement is amounting to 10,500,000 dollars Ten Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) in one of the bank at Benin Republic, and I don't know how and what I will do to invest this money somewhere in abroad, so that my father's kindred will not take over what belongs to my father. However, Me and my brother has try our best to pull out the fund , but the attorney whom we call to help us told us that my father deposited the fund in the bank for a foriegn partner, without the foreign partner being invovled, we can pull out the fund from the bank, because the fund was deposited to be transfered to a foreign country. I saw your contact which I strongly believe that by the grace of God, you will help me secure and invest this Fund I hereby needs your help in securing the Fund and help us to invest it, I and my brother we are ready to send you the deed of lodgement just as we received your reply and also we will furnish you with more details on how you can proceed. I am ready to offer you 30% of the total amount to you if you help us in securing this money and another 10% interest of Annual Income to you, for handling this business for us, which you will strongly have absolute control over. If you can handle this project sincerely and also willing to assist me in lifting this fund,kindly reach me and I will let you know the next step to take towards actualizing this transaction as quickly as possible. Please, note that this transaction is 100% risk free. I look forward hearing from you soonest through my personal email address: for more clearifications. Regards. Yours sincerely, QUEENAMINA_ FOR THE FAMILY. [An 'orphan who needs help to get inheritance' letter. But you knew that.] Fapina Tyuksar
Fri, 16 Nov 2007
Dear Queen Mina, I am not entirely sure what our relationship is or how you might have come to e-mail me, but if this venture is as profitable as you indicate and as long as it is fully below deck, I would surely be interested. I am, however, troubled by your many references to "God". I am a devout Pastafarian, myself, and I fear this religious difference may be a source of some trouble. I hope you can allay my fears in this regard. Fondling yours, Lady Tyuksar PS I am a distant cousin of European royalty and as such prefer to be addressed as "Lady Tyuksar." It is a point of some importance for me and is generally in accordance with proper protocal under such circumstances. As a queen I trust you understand my position. I would refer anyone interested in the Pastafarian faith or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to venganza .com Queen Amina
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 Dear Good Friend Lady Tyuksar, Thanks for your prompt response to my mail. And your interest to assist me. Understand my delay in responding to you, I decided to have some moments of recollective prayers and fasting asking for God's guidiance. Be assured there is no trouble going to come out from this so do not fear or worry about anything,Please I would want to know if you will be able to be here in person to sign all due bank documents here and the bank will release the fund to you immediately and we travel together for the investment which I will want you to advise on any lucreative blue chip investment in your country which you will be able to manage and properly guard this fund in while I continue my education . If you will not be able to be here in person, please, May I have your details as thus: Your marrital status,And Age,Your Direct telephone and fax line and a copy of your driver's liscence or international passport copy for my view and proper identifications. As soon as I get your response stating your view with your details my next action will follow communicating to you the next procedure.And be assured I am here to back you with all due legal documents of proof to make your claim over this fund very easy and note that nobody is going to ask you queries or questions during and after the sucessful completion of this transaction. Get back to me urgently let us proceed. Princess Queen Amina [Do not send scans of your identification to scammers!] Fapina Tyuksar
Wed, 21 Nov 2007
Absolutest Companion Princess Queen Amina, Fear not about the delay in returning my message. I find the haste of electronic communication rather distastful, indecorous, and facilitating of rash sayings. I am normally quite delayed in my own coorespondences. Though unneccesary, I find the slowing of such coorespondences returns something of the charm of distance and harkins to to the age of letter writing. I'm quite sure I can arrange to meet you in your home country. I adore travel and would surely do anything to help a friend in need. As I relish any opportunity to go abroad, I would not trouble you with the cost of the plane ticket. However, I am most unnerved by this talk of palace intrigue and poisonings. I hope you will not think me rude if I decline to stay in your home, and instead request that you secure for me a room at a hotel of quality. But I do get ahead of myself. I am quite eager to proceed with this business. I have provided the information you have requested with a few caveats. I keep no phone or fax. As I mentioned before, I do despise the cold efficiency of electronic communication. I tolerate e-mail only because I have no other choice. I have quite a mania for letter writing and prefer that to conduct all important personal and business communications in person. This flying accross the world to conduct petty business is an eccentricity of mine, but as I can afford it, it is one I allow myself. I hope you'll not think me excessively suspicious if I decline to send a copy of my identification. It is rather personal and I'm sure you're sensitive to the danger of such personal material being intercepted and put to nefarious uses. Once we have gotten acquainted in person we can make whatever provision is needed for this. I am largely retired at this stage in my life. I have certain charitable functions for the Church of FSM dotted throughout my schedule. If these can be planned around, I should be able to meet you in a month or so. What would be a convenient time for me to come? What airport should I fly to? As a firm Pastafarian, I will must have a good pizza restaurant with a fair selection of beers if I'm to stay on a Friday night. Though I may not be as young as I once was, I carouse with as much relish on the celebration of our weekly high holiday as ever. I hope this will not be a source of difficulty with you, as you seem to be quite firmly Christian. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar ENCLOSED Your marrital status: widowed Age: 74 Direct telephone: n/a fax line: n/a a copy of your driver's liscence or international passport copy: to be delivered in person Queen Amina
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007
My Beloved Model And Companion Lady Tyuksar, Thanks for your Kind response to my mail in which you clearly consented to my pleas for assistance.Good you will soon be here in person to help me sort out thing here at the spot for me in the bank here so that we can travel back together in your Country and continue our future good live together in a more classy way. Be assured I understand why you need to be in a hotel of quality instead of my palace where there is much security unrest and intrigues,I want to let you know that where you go I will go with you and where you be I will be with you so be asured of your maximum security as nothing will disturbe you visit as you have to note that you need not fear or worry about anything as this transaction is entirely legal and as thus you need not have double mind while coming over. You have to bring down your Identifications while coming down and also your account details where you will want the bank to transfer the funds into immediately you study carefully and sign the Final funds release order documents and the funds is released to you,You have to be at the spot and it is wired into your Account details of your choice which you will tender to the bank here in person. Beassured of your Good Choice of Pizza food and fair selection of beer and note that You will really enjoy my company as I am not stupidly headlong into Christianity,I am also good in social outings of quality. You Have to try hard and be here next week as everything have been arranged and put inorder,Hope you willbe coming here next week? as I cannot wait to welcome you in the airport here upon your arrival,let me know as soon as you are able to confirm your visa and also let me know of your flight schedule and travelling arrangements.Hope next week will be good for your arrival, Also I want you to Note that your details have safely been introduced to the bank here where the fund is in deposit as I have talked to them that you are my foreign partner who will be coming and I want this fund to be released to and they have assured me of their maximum cooperations so note they might be contacting you anytime. But I want you to contact their Resident Bank accredited attorney who will help us in the legal aspect of this transactions: His name is Messrs Okenyi Henry LLB,HONS.* Financial Bank Accredited Attorney and principal Attorney Supreme Union Chambers law Firm Cotonou Villa Republique Du Benin. Tel Du directe: 00229 93 69 5551 Direct email: Send him email immediately and call him on phone and make good friend with him securing his confidence, cordiality and his cooperations, he is a nice man as I gatherd while in my discussions with him, He has assured me of his maximum cooperations to see that he gives us his full legal services and ensure that he help to strictly monitor this fund till it safely gets into your hands. Contact him immediately and get back to me, send him email and call him on phone and undedrstand that this is a legitimate transactions and you have nothing to fear about tell him I gave you his contact details and you are making contact with him in regards to how to come over and help me secure my funds over there in safe accounts in Your Country as I intend to come over to further my educations and you help me in the investments of the funds. Have a nice day and always update me. Yours Princess Queen Amina [*This is standard procedure. First-tier scammer, if part of a team, refers potential victim to 'barrister' or 'banker' or 'son'. Loot is shared according to location and task.] Fapina Tyuksar
Tue, 27 Nov 2007
Subject: our account To: Dearest Messrs Okenyi Henry LLB,HONS., I am to understand you will be handling an account for Princess Queen Amina and myself. I am told you are a most sturdy and qualified man for this job. I simply wanted to introduce myself and offer my services in any way that may assist you or expedite this matter. I do so look forward to working with you. Fondely yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Fapina Tyuksar
Then sweetening the deal a bit...
Tue, 27 Nov 2007
To: My Grandest Coorespondent and Esteemed Fellow Potentate, I am so glad this is moving along smoothly thus far and that you understand my concerns without offense. I should like to remain in touch with you once this transaction is completed. Perhaps we could assist eachother in future business endeavors. I have a dear nephew attempting to establish some kind of computer business serving central Africa. He pays good, reliable managers at least their worth, and I'm sure he would welcome any candidates I know to be good and reliable. It wouldn't be anything so sordid as the actual work, simple directing human resources. Of course such a manager would have great discretion over hiring, salaries, et cetera. I of course understand if such employment is beneath your stature, I certainly don't mean to insult you, but perhaps you have some kin who would be well-suited to such work? It would be no difficulty for me to bring my identification or access my bank accounts once I arrive. Their all online these days. I'm quite grudgingly growing enamored of this new-fangled internet. I am still not sure what airport I should fly to. Please let me know, so I can make the arrangements as soon as possible. Also, I should like to know what hotel you have arranged. If it could be one I could check the details and reservations for online that would be preferable. I do so look forward to meeting you in person. This promises to be a profitable endeavor for all and not merely in the immediate sense. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Barrister Okenyi Henry
Enter the barrister
Thu, 29 Nov 2007
From: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> Subject: LADY FAPINA TYUSKAR,ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FILL THE FORM AND NOTIFY ME AS I HOPE TO KNOW WHEN HOW SOON YOU HOPE TO ARRIVE HERE. From Barrister Okenyi Henry. President,Supreme Union law firm Cotonou Villa Benin Republic Direct Tel/Fax: 00229 93 69 55 51 ATTN: LADY FAPINA TYUKSAR Greatings from Our legal probate here. On this day the 29th of November 2007. 'Anno Domine' (year of the Lord). In acknowledgement of receipt of your Consultation to our legal firm,I write to know when you hope to be here in person to witness the entire transaction or that you will want me to stand for you with my full legal stance while you sit back over there in your country, Get back to me immediately and be informed that I only accepted helping you because I see that the entire transaction is entirely legal and is going to be in conformity with the legal norms and values of my reputable country Republique D¯ Benin. Wishing to convey to you that I proceeded to the Bank here and made some neccesary verifications to ascertain the actual existence,true nature and position of the fund and the outcome of my verifications were commendable as the funds is actually in existent in The Financial Bank dormant treasury vault here. Be assured we will serve you better with due modalities observed to your own favour and while ensuring you of our full legal backings we will want to bring to your notice that our honourable chamber do not entertain delays or lack of seriousness from our clients as we have numerous client's cases to attend to, And if any unseriousness is Identified from your side we will discontinue our assistance for better serious minded clients' cases on our desk. And understand you must trust and rely on my legal competence following my legal directives If I am to help you secure your funds in your hands on a 100% hitch free transaction Feel very free to give me an urgent call after sending me email immediately, As soon as you receive this email to confirm your seriousness. And know that this is not just going to be an email transaction,As You wont expect an arttorney of my kind of remarkable personality here to conduct affairs of my legal firm or my client's cases over the internet only, So you need to follow this up with instant telephone calls, Trusting and relying on my legal competence and confiding in me all sorts of emails of any kind you receive as regards this kind of transactions so that I will be able to guide you properly and strictly monitor this funds till it is secureed into your account operative in it's physical cash state. As soon as possible and face other numerous clients' cases on my desk. Get back to me immediately. And be informed that on receipt of your contact the next procedure will be communicated to you. In my discussions today with the Director General of the Bank, It is very easy to have this fund released and transferd to your account details which you will nominate to me for onward proceeding to the Bank in your favour. Note that the Bank foreign Operations manager And chief Telex officer incharge of International Remmitance has assured me of his maximum cooperations to expedite actions to have this fund released and transferd to your account immediately we are able to sign the final funds release order and then adequately back up our claims with all neccessary required legal procedures to be observed. See A Personal information form below which you need to fill and send back to me immediately for opening of a file in your name in my legal firm to fully register you as my renonwned client for onward proceeding to the Bank to get your fund transfered to any account of your choice and note that my legal firm assures you of our maximum legal security through out your entire visit, As it is one of your rights we owe you upon your visit soon as your security,Comfort and company is one of our major priority which in our oath of allegince we pledged to carry out this deligently in favour of all our fully registered clients under our legal umbrella.And be assured of the Safety and confidentiality of your personal informations which you are to submitt to us in the below format MESSRS OKENYI HENRY. SUPREME UNION CHAMBER LAW FIRM COTONOU VILLA -- REPUBLIQUE DU BENIN TEL/FAX: 00229 93 69 55 51. PERSONAL INFORMATION. FULL NAME: ..................... AGE :....................... MARRITAL STATUS :....................... OCCUPATION :........................ DIRECT CONTACT TEL NO : .............. FAX NO:...................................................... DESIGNATED ACCOUNT INFORMATION WITH ACCOUNT NAME AND NUMBER: TITLE OF ACCOUNT:................. ACCOUNT NO: BANK NAME :.......................................................... BANK ADRESS:........................................................ BANK INTERNATIONAL SWIFT CODE/ROUTINE NUMBER:..................................... ACCOUNT CUSTODIAN OR BANK DIRECT TEL:.......................................... TENDER CORRECTLY AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERED: $9.5MUSD RESIDENTIAL ADRESS:................... CITY AND COUNTRY:.................... Be it known this day the 29th Of November 2007. that the person whose personal information appear above is my client and has my full legal backings and protections and as such should have his fund released for immediate telegraphic wire transfer within the shortest possible range of time into the above designated Bank account Information of his choice. Be informed that any deviant against this court injunction and mandate of enhancement of the release and subsequent immediate transfer of the afore-mentioned clientÕs fund stand liable to a litigation with full legal wrath of the PROBATE DU NATIONALE REPUBLIQUE DU BENIN. MESSR OKENYI HENRY LLB, HONS. Direct Tel: 00229 93 69 55 51, N/B: Fill the above form immediately and send it back to me. And call me. And be assured I will take due legal actions in your favour to ensure you receive this fund operative in your account in it's physical cash state soonest. CALL ME AS SOON AS YOU GET THIS MAIL AND REPLY IT CAREFULLY FILLING OUT THIS FORM. Fapina Tyuksar
Thu, 29 Nov 2007
Dearest Messrs Okenyi Henry LLB,HONS., Thank you for getting back to me so promptly. Competent men of high station are so hard to find, but you are clearly one. I have filled out some of the information you have asked for, but I am trepidatious about sending sensitive personal information online (security and so on). Besides which, I prefer the civility of conducting business face to face. Being something of a luddite in matters of communication (except for this e-mail account) I have no personal phone line for the reasons stated above. If you wish to leave me a message I can leave the number of my answering service. I am to visit within the month to settle this matter personally. I do so look forward to my visit. If you would kindly ask our mutual friend to write back to me, I had some inquiries that must be resolved before I can get my plane ticket. Thank you for all of your assistence. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar PERSONAL INFORMATION. FULL NAME: Lady Fapina Lofasz Tyuksar AGE :75 MARRITAL STATUS-widowed OCCUPATION -retired DIRECT CONTACT TEL NO : none FAX NO:none DESIGNATED ACCOUNT INFORMATION WITH ACCOUNT NAME AND NUMBER: TITLE OF ACCOUNT:................. ACCOUNT NO: BANK NAME :.......................................................... BANK ADRESS:........................................................ BANK INTERNATIONAL SWIFT CODE/ROUTINE NUMBER:..................................... ACCOUNT CUSTODIAN OR BANK DIRECT TEL:.......................................... TENDER CORRECTLY AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERED: $9.5MUSD RESIDENTIAL ADRESS:................... CITY AND COUNTRY:.................... Barrister Okenyi Henry
Fri, 30 Nov 2007
From: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> Subject: LADY FAPINA TYUSKAR, FROM SIR OKENYI HENRY. Atten: Lady Fapina Tyuksar, I feel flattered in your complementary remarks!! You are welcome thanks The pleasure is mine and with cap off my head I give you a bow Lady Fapina Tyuksar,You are greatly welcome it will be my honour to receive you as my guest of honour With full legality and royalty be assured of your security and comfort and company As it is my pleasure to serve you and be assured I have already put everything in order earnestly waiting for your royal arrival. Good you will soon arrive here let me know immediately how soon you will be arriving as I am working towards getting you a copy of the funds final release order document which you can take home to hotel of quality which you will be putting in upon your arrival. I will hand you over the final funds release order document which I promise to make a provision that will allow you to take it to your hotel room to give careful study to it and soon with my legal assistance you ascertain it satisfactorily worthwhile you will then sign it and the funds will be released to you immediately and you travel back,Also do ensure you bring down your account cordinates where you wish to have the funds wired into via a telegraphic wire transfer and be assured I am here to strictly monitor the entire process with my legal competence untill you confirm 100% successfulreceipt of the funds operative in it's physical cash state.Hoping to meet you soon as I feel happy you will be able to be here to conduct this transaction face to face,So while come endeavour to bring down the required informations and note you have to endeavour to be here on time as My Vacation commences second week of December.You can let me have your answering machine number for instant messages. So let me know exactly when you possibly will be arriving here and also let me know if there is any other assistance you think I can render from here to aid you in getting quick Visa and you pay for your ticket and get a close date fixed for your coming down here immediately as I personally will be most delighted to have my Royal Lady Tyuksar around thereby giving me the pleasure of driving her around to classy places of her interest and choice. Beinformed that your message to our mutual Friend Amina is well deliverd. Have A Very Wonderful Blissful Day. Okenyi Henry LLB,HONS. President,Supreme Union law firm Cotonou Villa Benin Republic Direct Email: Tel/Fax: 00229 93 69 55 51 Fapina Tyuksar
Fri, 30 Nov 2007
Dearest Barrister Okenyi Henry, It is such a relief to read that Princess Amina recieved my message. Do have her write me back! When you get to be my age, you enjoy having ladies to relate to and coorespond with. She said she would accompany on my trip. Is this still the case? If her health forbids, I understand, but it would be such a pity! I'll be sure to schedule the trip for the second week in December. I still don't know what airport you wish me to fly to. You made reference to a Visa. Will I have to fill out a lot of paperwork before entering the country? Here is the number for my personal phone service: 1-800-766-9388 When you call, ask for my receptionist Donna Nytrocks. I must say, I don't much like her. She seems to have loose morals and I suspect she drinks at work. I have heard something about her talking personally with callers and getting peeved and "forgetting messages" if she thinks they are not in a mood to chat with her. Her boss won't do anything about that without hard evidence, of course, so if she gives us any problems, let me know. I should also not that the technical side is also suffering. Their phone number is often changing and if you don't have the most up to date one, they route you through a pay system if you even get through. I am quite sure this is the latest number, but I am sorry if I'm mistaken. If it is old, than I will gladly reimburse you for the small per-minute charge involved I am sorry this is so complicated. I would switch services, but none of them seem to be any better. Good help is so hard to find these days. I assure you, the compliments I pay you are no less than you deserve. Kindly have the Princess Amina write back and let me know if she knows anyone who might be interested in my nephews company job. I eagerly await the resolution of this matter. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar My "answering service" used to be an S&M phone sex hotline charging $4.99/min. Unfortunately (for the purposes of this bait, I mean) it now seems to be defunct. Barrister Okenyi Henry
Sat, 1 Dec 2007
Atten: Lady Fapina Tyuksar, Wishing to inform you that Amina Would accompany on your trip,The Airport You will fly to is Cotonou Benin Republic International Airport,In line to the visa refrence I made,I want to clearly informe you that Cotonou Benin Republic is a very free Country and it all will depend from your own Country but from this end be assured I am here to assist you with any paperwork that will make it easy for you to fly down here for instance you will have to make inquiries in the embassy there in your Country and let them give you the requirements for you to be here by second week of december as scheduled and I think I might be required to send you a letter of invitation from here to aid in making it easy for you to get any paperwork that might be required and you get your flight ticket paid for and get back to me with your flight schedule. Dear Lady Tyuksar,You need not worry much about Donna Nytrocks Your receptionist,I understand and I know how to handle such personalities so let that not weigh you down.I already noticed it as I tried to drop a message now but it was exactly the picture which you already hinted me off which is devoid of bureacratic ethics and morals. Furthermore,In line to what said about reinbursing me for the small per-minute charge involved,You need not worry,All I will require from you is to prepare some nice gifts which you will come along with which you will hand over to some top bank directors and managements,let them feel you as a very kind lady so that this will win us their very kind heart and instill in them the eargerness to help and you conclude this at the spot as I would not want you to spend more than the time you hopefully wish to spend on you visit, as I would want everything concluded at the spot immediately and then you have time for yourself to relax to have a quality feel and taste of the serenity and splendour of African life in it's classy entirety in places of quality I will help you to in The Company of Princess Amina.It is really my pleasure and I appreciate it. The Princess should be getting back to you today,As she says she need to get elible nice youths of quality upbringing and good morals for your Nephews company job. Hopefully next week I will get back to you after concluding discussions with the bank on the entire cost for signing the final funds release order Documents so that you will have to prepare and come down with the money in cash so that after you carefully going through the documents and you ascertain it satisfactorily worthwhile then you sign it and hand them over the required fees so that everything will be concluded immediately and the funds will be released to your account at the spot and you travel back in the company of the Princess Amina and hopefully others for your nephews company. You are Welcome Once again My Dear lady Tyuksar Get back to me urgently. Have A Very Wonderful Blissful Day. Queen Amina
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 My Beloved Model And Companion Lady Tyuksar, Thanks for your prompt response, I would be glad if you understand my delay in responding to you as First I need to do some good home works to come up with Good and reliable candidates who would be well suited in your dear nephew's company. You know the selection is not just something that I would have just done easily,I realy had to work it out. Now the answer is that there is a solution as I have lots of choices which you will make selections upon your arrival here,Let me know exactly how you plan it,How many you want, age range,Sex and educational grounds and again do you wish to travel along with us. You have to fly down to cotonou International Airport Benin Republic as this is the only airport here in this country. Upon your arrival you will be putting in a very secured guest house*,Down here from where we will be taking off to any where you want us to go to and you catch your fun in the classy quality of your choice with your pizza, pastry and fair selection of beer and also you can dance or watch people dance the famous classical Africando Music,It is quit classic and legendry,you will enjoy it. So when exactly are you coming? Let me know as soon as possible. Your Princess Amina. [*Sometimes really secured, as in kidnapped.] Fapina Tyuksar
Sat, 1 Dec 2007
To: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> Dearest Sir, You continue to impress me with your patience and mastery of such beaurocratic difficulties! I'm quite useless with them myself, and it's all I can do to stop myself screaming when I'm unable to avoid frustrating phone menus. You clearly have more patience with such things than I. I am discussing the matter of my nephew's computer company with Princess Amina herself, so you need not trouble yourself with it. Thank you so for informing me of the proper airport. I'm making arrangements to fly in on Dec. 8, 7:50 pm and leave at 11:55 pm on the 16th. The details are enclosed at the bottom of the e-mail. I have done a small amount of research and Cotonou sounds lovely. I should love to see the open air market. Is it warm enough to swim this time of the year there? Even if no, the beaches look like they'd be more than worth seeing. You mentioned bringing some gifts. I would be more than happy to bring a few things. How many bank directors and managers should I bring gifts for? I suppose something electronic would be suitable, given the nature of our meeting, I really don't know much about these things. Would you suggest some suitable gifts? Thank you again for muddling through these difficulties for me. Did you have any undue difficulties with the number? If so, I can search for a different one. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar
LOW FARE Total fare including fees $11,969 US$ + taxes Luckily they don't catch my slip-up about the phone. I picked this flight because a quick search didn't turn up any less convenient arrival times. Fapina Tyuksar
Sat, 1 Dec 2007
To: Darling Associate and Esteemed Friend, I'm pleased to tell you I'm arranging to fly into the Cotonou airport at 7:50 pm on the 8th. I can't tell you how much I look forward to seeing all of the marvelous sights you describe. I have enclosed the details of the flight at the base of this e-mail. Will you be there to pick me up from the airport. If you are sending someone, that is fine. It is so nice to see a familiar face when one arrives in a new country. Is there a chance you and Messrs. Okenyi could send along photos so that I will recognize you? Mine is enclosed along with the itinerary. Regarding my nephew's business, it will be a small business to begin with. At present he only needs two or three managers. Any sex will do, preferably young and ambitious. If they have a degree in business or management, that would be preferable, but any degree would likely do, provided it came with a glowing reference from a friend of our family. There is no need to rush in this matter. We can discuss it at greater length when I arrive. Perhaps you could arrange some possible candidates for me to meet casually? Just please don't tell them what this is about yet. I intent to complete our business and enjoy our vacation. I have no desire to be lobbied the whole time. As I say, I look forward to this trip and can't wait to meet you in person. Please give my best regards to Messrs. Okenyi. He is clearly a man worth whatever you are paying him. Such are not easy to find. Do you happen to know if he has a wife or girlfriend? Fondling yours, Fapina Tyuksar I resume stroking the barrister's ego, but neglect to send the flight details or photos Queen Amina
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 My Beloved Dear Model And Companion Lady Tyuksar, You are welcome and I feel most happy, and I cannot wait to be there present personally to welcome you in the airport upon your arrival in Cotonou Benin Airport on Saturday the 8th of December 2007 by 7:50pm.You missed out enclosing your picture with the intinerary as you mentioned in your email to me,I will try and find a means to scan and send you my picture and ote that I have informed Messrs Okenyi Henry and He should be sending you his photos today as he promised he will send it after coming out with the meting which he should be having again today with the bank here to clearly get from the Bank directors the entire required fees for the final funds release order document which He told me he you will need to prepare in cash and come down with so that you will hand it over to the bank here and sign the final funds release order document and so that we will be sure everything is concluded at the spot with his help and the funds safely gets released and transferd into your account which you will tender to the bank at the spot on your arrival. I have taken note of what you advised about your nephews bussiness,be assured I have gotten ready good candidates of remarkable personality who you will meet cassually upon your arrival. From my mindings and with the full involvement of Messrs Okenyi henry,We will have more time to enjoy our vacation,You need not worry as all you need is to try hard and get ready and come down with the requirements Messrs Okenyi Henry will make known to you thereby helping him to help us conclude this at the spot for us so that we have time to go out together to classy places of quality of your Choice,Our beaches here and natural places of leisure is infact very great and fund I know you will enjoy most in it's African splendour,Mr Henry is married but he stays alone in the Town as his family are in the village and he visits them at times on weekends,He is very keen in having you around and I know he is one of the companies you will enjoy most upon your arrival here.I cannot wait to have you around and to personnally take you to your Guest house accomodation as I will be there to keep you good company and to make sure you get quality enjoyment of every minute of your stay here.Oncemore ,You are highly welcome. Your Princess And Beloved baby Companion Amina. Barrister Okenyi Henry
Tue, 4 Dec 2007
Subject: LADY FAPINA TYUSKAR, FROM SIR OKENYI HENRY.YOU COME DOWN WITH THE REQUESTED REQUIREMENTS. Atten: Lady Fapina Tyuksar, Wishing to informe you that I feel it a pleasure having you around as my distinguished guest of honour and more still to enjoy the opportunity of showing you around to behold the splendour of the free gift of nature bestowed on us here in Cotonou,The sights and environs are better felt than described!It is absolutely good and worth experiencing,I am here to make you enjoy it the more, My Lady Tyuksar,While saying you are most welcome, I take off my cap and give a bow.I am here to show you around and be fully assured of your security and comforts,I will personally in the company of the princess take you around the open air market where you will buy some gifts which you will take home,In stock here are very nice gifts like African jewelry ornaments,Pearls and etc Depending on the items that tickles your fancy there are many more choices very nice to be made and you can even buy and go with some things for sale in your Country as you can get good markets for them over there Things like cashew nuts can and some African native clothings. In line to my meeting yesterday and today with the entire board of directors of The bank here where the funds the $9.5MUSD is in deposit, upon my request for them to clearly summarise and state the entire cost of signing the final funds release order documents and having the entire requirements met so that you need not be bothered with much work and we make sure that everything is concluded once and for all and this funds is released to you at the spot and safely transferd to your account immediately without any hitch at all you are expected to prepare and come down with a cash of $26,632USD (Twenty Six Thousand Six Hundred And Thirty Two United States Dollars) which you will personaly pay to the bank to cover up the entire expensis and then you relax trusting and relying on my legal competence let me sort it all out with them for you and have this funds safely secured into your account informations which you will bring down with you and personally tender t to the bank here upon your arrival. Note While coming you also will hopefully be meeting our Finance minister as I will ensure he will be there personally to sign and endorse for the approval for the immediate release and telegraphic wire transfer of the funds to your accounts And also you will meet about other three bank directors and Three managers,You have to try and get gifts like three laptops and some tropicalised good quality mobile gsm handsetts, And Good Wrist watches for both the directors and their wifes as you know good quality gifts can work wonders in the hearts of the recipients,So you need not mind what you spend in getting the gift items do not fail to come with the items . As for my fares you need not worry about that, whence you safely receive the funds operative in it's physical cash state in your accounts you can then allow me to have anything of your choice which you and Princess Amina will agree of for my legal services and assistance which I have whole heartedly assured you that you will enjoy to the fullest. As for my fares you need not worry about that, whence you safely receive the funds operative in it's physical cash state in your accounts you can then allow me to have anything of your choice which you and Princess Amina will agree of for my legal services and assistance which I have whole heartedly assured you that you will enjoy to the fullest. Furthermore,You need not bother much about me and how I am muddling through this difficulties for you,I know you deserve the best and willingly I assure you of the humbliest of my services,As I know you deserve the best and you should not find it difficult to get whatver you want as far as My kind of man exists and you give me the opportunity to serve you as my renonwed and destinguished guest of honour,Lady Tyuksar,It is my pleasure,Take a bow you are most welcome,Your wish is my Command, As atarched below is my photos for your perusal and for your proper identifications on your arrival let me have yours also for my view.I expectantly awaits your immediate response for my next line of action as I wish to proceed to ask the bank to make handy the Final funds release order documents and commence preparing all the require paperwork ahead pending your arrival so that you will ot be botherd with much work during your visit, As I want to use this medium to assure you that the sky is going to be the limit of your happinessAnd fun during your 8 days stay here. You are Most Welcome My Dear Lady Tyuksar Have A Very Wonderful And Blissful Day Looking forward to meeting with you. Photos: Scan and Save to Computer Photo1.jpg (204k) [View] Scan and Save to Computer Photo2.jpg (352k) [View] Fapina Tyuksar
Tue, 4 Dec 2007
To: Platonic Consort and Honored Chaperon, I am quite glad that all of this has been taken care of. I will so enjoy taking in the high like in Cotonou. It will be a joy to see you face to face at last! Messrs. Okenyi henry's wife is a very lucky woman. I hope she will not be jealous abot him trapsing through the hotspots of the town with us. I very much look forward to meeting him. I am embarassed at having forgotten to enclose my photograph. Do you ever forget such things? I seem to have no end of trouble with paste-ins, attachments and such for. Here it is at last. I look forward to seeing yours. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Dedicated trekkies will note an uncanny resemblance to Lwaxana Troi, Daughter of the 5th House, Holder of the Sacred Chalis of Riix, and Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed Fapina Tyuksar
Thu, 6 Dec 2007
To: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> Dearest Associate, I so look forward to seeing you and the Princess as soon as and only two days from now! It will be such an indescribably joy! I'm quite brimming with anticipation. Regarding the gifts you've suggested, I have found a few very nice watches. I still have an eye for fashion. Unfortunately I am not so adept with technology. I don't know exactly what the gsm handsets you mention are nor do I know the first thing about selecting a laptop. I will be trusting my nephew in this matter. I have told him you will judge the prospects of his company and thus how you describe him to prospective hires by the quality of his selections. I hope I am not too crass in addressing the cost of these items, which has been substantial with the watches alone. I trust you'll think it fair that we split the cost of this, reimbursing me for half of these costs in my portion of the funds. If I have time before the flight, I will have someone scan and send the reciepts to you so you can make any neccessary preparation. Please do write back before my flight or have Princess Amina do so. It would steady my nerves and calm my mind to recieve just one more confirmation that you will be there to meet me at the Cotonou Benin Airport at 7:50 this Saturday. Fondling yours, Fapina Tyuksar Queen Amina
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 My Dear Beloved Model And Companion Lady Tyuskar, Mr Henry has been very busy in making sure he gives us free schedule through out the duration of your visit as he explained to me that he really worked hard on that as he says being around to make sure you enjoy every minute of your stay here with us. He showed me your Picture You look so great and I cannot wait to hug you upon your arrival,I am happy!! And I feel so good,You are most highly welcome,My beloved model. We will be there to welcome you god we have you photo and you have Mr henry's photos too as he informed me he already sent them to you.So you surely will recognise him immediately you see him upon your arrival in the cotonou Benin Republic Airport here,My dear lady Tyuskar do try hard and keep the aim of your vist here very secret and confidential,You need not discuss it with people as you know we cannot afford to let in a third party into this as this is funds we are dealing about and expecially people who might be sitting with you in the flight or anybody you meet upon your arrival any where while on transit or even here when they ask you do just tell them you are coming on a vacation visit that you already have your family here as you know me and you are now one family as it is my prayers and wish for us. You are Highly welcome with lots of love and happiness My Dear Beloved Model Lady Tyuksar.I am here to welcome you upon your arrival in the Cotonou Benin Republic Airport. Your Princess Amina Barrister Okenyi Henry
Fri, 7 Dec 2007
Subject: LADY FAPINA TYUSKAR, YOU ARE MOST WELCOME FROM SIR OKENYI HENRY. Atten: Lady Fapina Tyuksar, Wishing to happily informe you that I have succeded in getting my schedule free for your arrival as I will be free and humbly at your service through out your entire days of visit and Also hopes to retain good relationships of interest with you If my Lady Tyuksar so wishes. You are Most Welcome. Inline to the gift items,The gsm handsets I talked about are just mobile handset phones,You need not bother yourself with very exorbitant items,Gift is gift and no person of sound judgement does not appreciate gifts no matter the cost or quality gift is gift,Though I appreciate your efforts and the need for you to come down with Good quality and possibly very expensive items,My Dear Lady Tyuksar You are most welcome even without the complete gifts I am here with and for you and be assured you will enjoy my postion here and my legal influence to the fullest as it is in the best of your interest and favours that I am here for you. Reassure your nephew I will do very good work for him in the choice of selections of the prospective candidates for his company and I ask no price for such services as I here for any interest of my Lady Tyuksar as your happiness and comforts is my main priority,You Are Most Welcome My Dear Lady Tyuksar, I am here to personally welcome you in the Cotonou Benin Republic Airport here upon your arrival tommorrow saturday the 8th of December 2007 by 7:50 pm,You are highly welcome As I cannot wait to give you a very good French welcome Kiss of honour upon your arrival. When you arrive What you do is to call the Princess Amina quietly and secretly hand over the Wrist watches to her, Amina As She will be the person who will have to go immediately upon your arrival and hand it over to the wife of our Finance minister and talk to her privately at home so that she will talk to the husband at home and show him his own gift and she will then also share the gift items to other wives of the bank Directors and the managers And The other gift items you will keep till when neccessary. You need not worry about anything my Dear lady Tyuksar You are most welcome, Like the dear that yearns for running stream so I yearn to have you around as my distinguished guest of honour,You are welcome Once more I give a bow. Have A Very Wonderful Blissful Trip And be assured Of A red Carpet Reception My Lady Tyuksar. Little do any of the parties awaiting good French kisses of welcome realize they will soon be derailed! Fapina Tyuksar
Fri, 7 Dec 2007
To: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> Friend and Official in Esteem, I simply cannot wait to see you both and enjoy the diversions you and Princess Amina have arranged. We have settled the gifts, and I have brought some extra surprises for you and the Princess. Gifts of any kind indicate love and consideration, but there is no joy like giving a fine gift utterly suited to the recipient. I am a bit confused about this business of secretly calling Princess Amina. I trust you mean call her over to me from the exit as I deboard, not call her on the phone to pick me up? I might become quite desperately nervous if I embarked not to find your kind faces waiting for me. On top of of that, using electronic communications when we could be speaking face to face, and the difficulties I would have with it would be positively shocking! I must finish my packing soon, but I will be checking my mailbox constantly for word from you. It would be a much appreciated courtesy if you and Princess Amina would send photos of yourselves so I know who I'm looking for as I pass into the public reception foyer of the airport. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Fapina Tyuksar
Fri, 7 Dec 2007
Kind hostess and wise proprietress, My hands are positively trembling as I pack my bags and prepare to soar across the Atlantic to see you and the good Barrister Okenyi. As it is quite a long flight I'm afraid I may not be in my most sociable form. I enjoy travel, but it exhausts me, and I may need simply to go straight to my hotel. I feel somewhat silly as I just asked our dear Barrister to send a photo of himself for me to recognize him by when he already send one. Still, I don't believe I have seen yours yet? Might I trouble you to send one before I embark. I so enjoy the contrast between flat boxy little photographs and the vivacity of the person in true life. It reminds me why I continue to conduct business in person. I find it greatly humanizes one's partner and makes both parties more prone to honest conduct than occurs when partners can hide behind screens and paper. No offense to the present company, of course. You and the dear Barrister have been unfailingly kind and obliging. I do look forward to seeing you in person! Fondling yours, Fapina Tyuksar Her e-mail rebuffs this, so I ask her barrister to pass it along. An then, misfortune on the journey to Africa! Queen Amina
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 My Beloved Lady Tyuskar, I wonder how you feel to hear that I waited for you for close to 5 hours in the airport and did not find you. Mr Henry is not impressed at all about this,What excuse do you have to give for treating us like this. Hoping To hear from You asap. Your Princess Amina. Fapina Tyuksar
Mon, 10 Dec 2007
To: Dearest coorespondent and loyal friend, I do apologize that it has taken me so long to return your e-mail. I hope you will understand when I tell you of the trials I have suffered. I went to the airport a couple of hours before departure and tried to check in. Some ill-mannered desk attendant tried to tell me that I could not fly to Benin without proof of vaccinations. I tried to speak to the senior official with the airport, but at our little local airstrip he turned out to be some provincial yahoo. Since he didn't seem to really know anything about the matter, I simply bought a plane ticket to Logan International Airport to speak to someone higher up and intercept my flight to Benin. When I arrived in Benin I was directed to the most senior person in such vaccination issues. I explained to him who he was and the urgent nature of my business in Benin. The brute had the audacity to suggest they had the right to prevent my from flying if I wasn't properly vaccinated. I tried to explain that surely it was my own business if I let someone stick needles into me and that surely the vaccination was merely a strong suggestion. After some time trying to explain my position, the man had the audacity to end our discussion by calling over security. Exhausted and with no other options, I flew back to Orlando and caught a cab home. I have only now recovered from these tribulations sufficiently to contact anyone or check my mailbox. I am terribly sorry for the mutual inconvenience this has caused. I believe I did ask you if I would need any vaccinations before I came and you didn't respond. Would you kindly explain this. I have been greatly inconvenienced by this blasted matter of needle-sticks and if you and the Barrister don't know anything about it I don't know who will. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Fapina Tyuksar
I copy/paste my tragic difficulties into a letter to the barrister
Mon, 10 Dec 2007
To: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> Dear coorespondent and worthy associate, I do apologize that it has taken me so long to return your e-mail. I hope you will understand when I tell you of the trials I have suffered. <snip> ... I have been greatly inconvenienced by this blasted matter of needle-sticks and if you and Princess don't know anything about it I don't know who will. Speaking of our mutual friend, why does her e-mail address continually rebuff my missives? Could you or she correct this error? I'm sure it causes you and she as much inconvenience as I. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Barrister Okenyi Henry
Mon, 10 Dec 2007
Atten: Lady Fapina Tyuksar, Now just tell me what you think is the best thing to be done and what is your decision now and next line of action. Hoping To hear from You soonest as I am here to help you if you deem my legal services neccessary. Fapina Tyuksar
Tue, 11 Dec 2007
To: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> Dearest litigator and guide, I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused you or our mutual friend. I do appreciate your quick extension of kind assistance. I am still quite eager to proceed with this, but I evidently cannot fly out until I have had some vaccines or other. Do you know anything about this. I abhorr needlesticks and have little faith that they would have a positive effect on my health. Still I am eager to complete this business in person for all our sakes. Write back to inform me of what vaccines I may need that I might arrange it with my private physician. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Barrister Okenyi Henry
Wed, 12 Dec 2007
Subject: FROM SIR OKENYI HENRY AT FAST DELAY IS DANGEROUS AND NOT IN THE BEST OF OUR OWN INTEREST!!! Atten: Lady Fapina Tyuksar, Wishing to informe you that The Princess Amina just slumped down and is at the moment admitted in the hospital she was dignosed of severe depressions and anxiety As thus she is critically ill which I believe is as a result of your absence in the flight as we all waited for you for hours. Good you are still very keen to proceed after getting yourself adequately vacinated,I will find out the exact vacines you should be needing Now at the moment it is very important that you just send $2,500USD immediately via western union money transfer for the treatment of Princess Amina. Send the money with the below informations immediately let us save her life first. Name : Kamara Chikadibia Destination: Cotonou Villa Benin Republic Africa. Question:What is the key? Answer:Love And Trust. Amount:$2,500USD. Mtcn:............ Prove your love and trust by sending this money immediately today and let me have the payment informations,further excuses from you will convince me you do not really care.Get practical and let us proceed. Note that Mr kamara Chikadibia is a well known person to me and has served my legal firm for long now so make the payment in his name and let me have the payment informations sent to my email immediately. Have A wonderful Blissful Day. Fapina Tyuksar
Wed, 12 Dec 2007
To: "Messrs Henry okenyi" <> TransAtlantic corespondent and consoler, I am terribly shocked to hear of The Princess' ill health. I am still not fully recovered from the flights and the stresses inbetween. Still, I am determined to come see you, doubly so, now that Princess Amina has taken ill. For the sake of all of us, and our dealings together, I must know which vaccinations to get. I must come to see you without delay. The sooner I know what vaccinations to get the sooner I can meet you, console the Princess, and complete these burdensom transactions. I am still devoted to conducting this in person. Surely the bank directors and managers still require the gratuity gifts I purchased if we are to conduct this business with any speed. I have invested considerably in these and will not send them unless I accompany them. I urge you to inform be of which vaccinations I need that I might speed to your side to comfort The Princess and complete our business, Fondling yours, Fapina Tyuksar Apparently he has no use for my mere condolences. I send two more responses in character with no response. Hopefully he at least opened my flip-off (titled "money order in the mail") Fapina Tyuksar
Sat, 15 Dec 2007
Dearest Barrister, Why haven't you written back. Have you found someone else? You might at least have bade me farewell properly. I have a stake in this affair as much as you and I am shocked at the thought you might preemptorily discard me this way. I'm sure you're much to kind and professional for such conduct. Please write back soon to reaffirm my confidence in you. Fondling yours, Lady Fapina Tyuksar Fapina Tyuksar
16 Dec 2007
Dearest Barrister Henry, I have just been reading over your last few e-mails for carefully. When I first read your e-mail informing me of the Princess' ill-health I must have been so shocked and distraught I utterly overlooked your request for monetary assistence. Are you certain it wouldn't be better to send you the money directly? Please, tell me what vaccinations I need to see my dear, sick coorespondent! Your delay pains me. Fondling yours, Fapina Tyuksar Fapina Tyuksar
Thu, 27 Dec 2007
Subject: Money order in the mail To: "Messrs Henry okenyi" Dear coorespondent, What a pity you've chosen to preemptorily end our find coorespondence. I hope you'll look back fondly on waiting in the airport, like a child at Christmas, for a dottering old Lady Santa and her gift bag full of laptops. A sparkle in your eyes, perhaps, as you toyed with the prospect of mugging the dowager or trying to get a ransom from her dear nephew. For my part, I'll look back on making you jump through a bunch of stupid hoops for money and prizes you were never going to get. It's been such a delightful coorespondence, in fact, I think I will share it with the folks at, so that everyone can have a laugh at your stupidity. You may scan their updates along with me and see if our little notes warrant space with the fine baits on their site. Anyway, there are a lot of us out there. If someone is actually cooresponding with you they are probably 1. a baiter like me trying to waste your time or 2. someone highly inexperienced with technology. In this day and age, in this country, that probably means they are pretty near the bottom of our economy and can ill-afford to play your games. I'd advise you to find honest work or at least work harder to make sure the people you steal from deserve it. Fonding your bronzed bits on my trophy wall, Lady Princess and Right Rev. Fapina Tyuksar, MD PHD, MP, PM, FU! |