Forwarded by the Agatha Brigade. "It may not be genuine but it ought to be..." Original source unknown, will the real genius please step forward?



Dear sir and/or madame,

Salutations, I am GRIMHELM WORMTONGUE, The son of late Counsellor
Grima Wormtongue of the Kingdom of Rohan.

My father was Chief Counsellor [equivalent to Prime Minister] to late
lamented king Theoden of Rohan. In his position my father altogether
legally and correctly acquired significant assets throughout Rohan in
order to protect the Kingdom from enemy forces within and without.

In the course of lamentable events succeeding, my father was
illegally deprived of office and expelled from the Kingdom.  
Before this he had with foresight already entirely legally deposited 
the sum of M.500,000,000,000 in gold with the Bank of Gondor (Minas Tirith).
While in exile in the north he was assaulted and murdered by a band
of northern pigmies.  His family was obliged to seek refuge in northern
Dunland among some of our sympathisers.

My father left to me all documents necessary to retrieve the sum of
gold aforesaid from the Bank of Gondor (Minas Tirith).  However, in
the current political circumstances my solicitor believes it unwise
for me to attempt to make the trip from Dunland to Minas Tirith, and
has recommended that I seek a trustworthy foreign business partner
into whose account this money could be tranferred.  This appears to
be the best option as we are unable to open an account in Dunland.
Therefore we are seeking your trustworthy assistance and cooperation.

You will provide information about your account that will enable a
deposit to be made in your name.  I will contact the Bank of Gondor
(Minas Tirith) and inform them that the money is to be placed into
your account.  Upon completion of the transaction your share of the
proceeds will be 15% net following deduction of all transfer fees,
that is M. 75,000,000,000.  If the transaction goes well we also look
forward to maintaining you as a profitable business partner for
future ventures.

It goes without saying that I can expect your complete confidence and
secrecy in keeping this matter under wraps prefatory to completion.

Please reach me at my email address: mbrandybuck@buckland.net

Thank you and ERU bless.